What is an approval transaction?

The first time you swap or add liquidity, you have to approve the token to be swapped. This gives the Uniswap Protocol permission to swap that token from your wallet.

The approval transaction allows the Uniswap Protocol permission to swap the token you granted approval for from your wallet. You have to complete an approval transaction for every token you want to swap using the Uniswap Protocol.

If you are having trouble approving a token see our article, "Approval transaction troubleshooting”.


Here a guide on how to complete an approval transaction:

  1. Enter your swap details.

  2. Select “Approve and swap”.

  3. In your wallet, approve Uniswap to access the token you are swapping. This transaction requires network costs.

    Your wallet may require you to enter the number of tokens you want to approve. Please enter a number that is greater than or equal to the amount of tokens you are swapping.

  4. In your wallet, allow the token to be used for swapping. This transaction requires network costs.

    This message is a Permit2 signature. To learn more about this see our post "Permit2 and the Universal Router”.

  5. In your wallet, confirm the swap. This transaction requires network costs.

  6. Once the swap is confirmed, the transaction is submitted to the blockchain (pending).

  7. You will see “Swap success” and a green checkmark on screen when the transaction is successfully completed.


This token approval lasts for 30 days. After 30 days, the token approval will expire and the token will have to be approved again.

However, this approval is completed with a signature request. An approval signature does not have network costs.