Getting Started with Limit Orders
What is a Limit Order?
A limit order is an agreement to swap tokens at a specific price you set. Unlike a traditional swap, which swaps im...
What tokens are available with limits orders?
Any token listed on the Uniswap Protocol can be used in a limit order. Always remember to conduct your own research...
What networks do limits support?
Limit orders on Uniswap are supported on Ethereum Mainnet. Limit orders use the UniswapX network to broadcast order...
Is there slippage on limit orders?
There is no slippage for limit orders on the Uniswap Web app. The limit order only executes if one of the the open ...
Do limit orders lock my funds?
When a limit order is open, the tokens in your wallet are not locked. This means you are free to swap or send these t...
What is a limit order’s expiry?
The expiry of a limit order is the expiration date you set when submitting a limit order. The expiry sets how long ...