Adding liquidity to Uniswap v4 with a hook

Liquidity providers can include a hook when adding liquidity to Uniswap v4.


Hooks allow liquidity providers to customize Uniswap v4 liquidity pools and positions to fit their needs.


Important note: Hooks are developed by independent third-party developers who are not affiliated with Uniswap Labs. Exercise caution when adding hooks, as some may be malicious or cause unintended consequences.


To add liquidity with a hook to Uniswap v4:

  1. Open the web app and connect your wallet.
  2. Select “Pool”.Step 1.png
  3. Select “New”.

    Step 2.png


  4. Select the first token drop-down.

    Step 3.png

  5. Select the first token you want to add liquidity with.
    Consider the Total Value Locked (TVL), trading volume, and token pricing when selecting tokens. The Uniswap Explore page provides this information for existing pools.Step 4.png


  6. Select the second token drop-down.

    Step 5.png

  7. Select the second token you want to add liquidity with.

    Step 6.png

  8. Select “Add a hook”.

    Step 7.png

  9. Enter the address of the hook you want to use.

    Step 8.png

  10. Select “I understand the potential risks involved in adding this hook” after carefully reviewing any warning message.

    Step 9.png

  11. Select “Continue”. This will add the hook to the liquidity position.

    Step 10.png

  12. Choose a fee tier for your liquidity.
    Select “Create or search for other fee tiers” to either create a new fee tier or search for an existing one. This option is available only for Uniswap v4.
    A liquidity pool may or may not already exist for the selected fee tier. If the pool exists, then the liquidity position will be added to that pool. If the pool does not exist, then a new pool will be made.Step 11.png

  13. Select “Continue”.

    Step 12.png

  14. Set the price range for the liquidity position. Either enter a custom range or choose the full range option.
    When entering a custom price range, token prices will round to the nearest tick. For more information, see this article.
    If the token price moves outside of the set custom price range then the liquidity position will become single-sided and will no longer earn fees.Step 13.png

  15. Select “Continue”.
    Step 14.png

  16. Enter the amount of tokens you want to add liquidity with or select “Max” to use the maximum amount of tokens available.Step 15.png


  17. Select “Review” to view the details of your liquidity.

    Step 16.png

  18. Select “Create”.

    Step 17.png

  19. Using your wallet, approve Permit2 to access your tokens. This step requires a network cost.

    Step 18.png

  20. Using your wallet, sign the Uniswap Permit2 message. This step does not require a network cost.

    Step 19.png

  21. Using your wallet, confirm the creation of your liquidity position. This step requires a network cost.

    Step 20.png

  22. A confirmation notification will appear once the transaction is complete.

    Step 21.png


Once complete, an NFT will be sent to your wallet. This NFT represents your ownership of the liquidity position. For more information, see this article.


You can view and manage your liquidity position on the Uniswap Liquidity Positions page.