Here is a guide on how to swap on UniswapX using the Uniswap Wallet.
To swap tokens in the Uniswap Wallet:
- Select “Swap”.
- Select “Select token”.
- Search for and select the token you would like to swap.
You can search for tokens by name or by contract address.
You can change also the network by selecting the network drop down then selecting the network you would like to swap on.
For more information, visit: How to swap on different networks in the Uniswap Wallet.
- Enter the amount you would like to swap, receive, or select “Max”.
The “Max” option automatically inputs the total amount of the token you have available in your wallet for swapping.
- Select “Review swap”. The lightning symbol will indicate you are swapping on UniswapX.
For more information, visit: What is UniswapX?
If you would like to make a swap with an adjusted slippage, learn how to adjust slippage here.
Review the swap details, and then select “Swap”.
- Congratulations, you have now submitted a swap!
- Once the swap is successful you can view it in the activity tab.
- Select the transaction to view the details.