How to change or remove a Uniswap Wallet profile picture

You can change or remove your Uniswap Wallet profile picture anytime.


How to change or remove a Uniswap Wallet profile picture:

  1. Open your Uniswap Wallet and select the settings icon.

  2. Select the wallet with the profile picture you would like to change or delete.

  3. Select “Edit profile”.

  4. Select the pencil icon to access the profile picture options.

  5. To update your profile picture, you have three options:
    1. If you prefer not to have a profile picture, select "Remove profile picture".
    2. To use an NFT from your wallet as your profile image, choose "Choose an NFT".
    3. If you'd like to set a photo from your phone's camera roll as your profile picture, select "Choose from camera roll”.

  6. After updating your profile picture select “Save” to keep the changes made.


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