To swap tokens on UniswapX follow these steps:
- Open Uniswap web app and connect your wallet. Next, select the token drop-down.
- Search for and select the token you wish to swap. You can browse the token list or search for a token by name or contract address.
Note: Not all tokens are available on UniswapX, for more information on see our article “What tokens are available on UniswapX?”
- Now you have to select the token you want to swap for. Select the token drop-down.
- Search for and select the token you wish to swap for.
Enter the amount you would like to swap, receive, or select the “Max” option.
The “Max” option will enter the maximum number of the token you hold in your wallet.
- Select “Swap”.
- Select “Approve and swap”.
- If you are swapping a native token like ETH on the Ethereum network then in your wallet, confirm the transaction to wrap your ETH. This transaction requires network costs.
For more information see our article “Why do ETH swaps involve converting to WETH?” - In your wallet, approve Uniswap to access the token you are swapping. This transaction requires network costs.
For more information on token approvals see our article “What is a token approval”.
- In your wallet, confirm the swap by sign the message.
This transaction will not require a network cost.This message is a Permit2 signature. To learn more about this see our post "Permit2 and the Universal Router”. - Once the swap is confirmed, the swap is submitted to an open network of third party fillers.
- You will see “Swap Success!” and a green checkmark on screen when the swap is successfully filled.
You have now successfully swapped with UniswapX! To view your swap on Etherscan, you can select “View on Explorer”.