The Uniswap Wallet will support ERC-20 tokens on Ethereum, Polygon, Optimism, Arbitrum, and Base networks.
You can switch networks when selecting the token you would like to swap.
How to swap on different networks:
Select “Swap”.
Select "ETH" to select the token you would like to swap.
Select the network drop down to choose the network you would like to swap on.
Select the network you want to swap on.
Search for and select the token you would like to swap. You can search for tokens by name or by contract address.
Select “Choose a token” to select the token you are swapping for.
Search for and select the token you would like to swap for.
Enter the amount you would like to swap, receive, or select “Max”.
The “Max” option automatically inputs the total amount of the token you have available in your wallet for swapping. -
Select “Review swap”.
- Review the swap details and select “Swap”.
- Congratulations, you have now submitted a swap!
- Once the swap is successful you can select “View transaction” or “Close”.